Time Management Activities Time Management Activities

Time Management Activities

Time management is an essential skill for being successful both inside and outside of the classroom. Many students juggle coursework, jobs, and families throughout the semester. Sometimes, it can feel completely overwhelming to juggle all of life's priorities.

Productivity - A Visual from Stephen Covey 

Stephen Covey is the author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and has spent years doing research on how to better manage your time so that you are successful at meeting your goals. The video below provides a visual demonstration of how thinking about and prioritizing our day-to-day actions can impact our time. We all have the same 24 hours in the day, but each of us must determine what our current and future priorities are and how those will fit into those 24 hours. Watch the short video below and then use that information to continue to the interactive schedule builder. 



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