As a college student, it is important to learn how to thrive in an online course and classroom environment. Properly interacting with others in a live conferencing tool like Zoom is a key component of your academic success. The following tips are some important aspects to remember when it comes to Zoom etiquette.
- SPC staff and students using the college’s Zoom accounts are subject to the college’s code of conduct for students, all campus policies, and the Faculty Handbook.
- Find a quiet environment and ensure there is nothing visually distracting in the background.
- Be mindful of lighting: If you are sitting in front of a window, it may wash out or darken your image on video. Your overhead light also might need to be turned off or dimmed as well.
- Dress appropriately and present yourself just as if you were in an in-person classroom environment.
- Be sure to mute your mic by using the Mute button (bottom left of the screen) when you sign on and whenever you are not speaking. This is important to avoid background noise and distractions to others.
- Stop sharing your video by using the Stop Video button (bottom left of the screen) if you are eating, drinking, talking with someone else in the room, or any other distracting activity.
Close unneeded applications on your computer to keep the video functioning optimally.
- Use a headset with an external mic for the best hearing and speaking capabilities.
- When you are done speaking, let others know that you are finished with a gesture or an expression such as “That’s all” or “Thank you”.
- Remember to always be polite to others in the meeting, especially when it is their turn to present or speak.
- If you want to speak, physically raise your hand or use the Raise Hand feature that is available at the bottom center of your screen. Wait until you are called on before unmuting and speaking.
- You can ask questions and make comments silently if desired using the Chat feature (bottom and center of your screen).
- Remember to leave the meeting when the session is finished.
Have Questions? Contact the SPC Technical Support Center at or call 727-341-HELP (727-341-4357) (Mon.- Sun. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Eastern). Chat: Live Chat with Support
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