Zoom System Check Zoom System Check

Zoom System Check

Zoom will be used in many classes; it is important to ensure that you are prepared. These steps will walk you through how to join a meeting to test your system's speakers, microphone, camera, and internet connection.


  1. Go to https://zoom.us/test

  2. Follow the steps below:

    Join meeting Test example image Click the Join button, your web browser may prompt you for permission to allow zoom to open the web link.
    A new window will appear, prompting you to click on the Start Video button to begin the test.
    Follow the instructions and select your device's camera.
    Follow the next instruction and select your speaker or headset audio.
    Follow the next set of instructions and select your microphone.
    Once completed you will be prompted with a breakdown of your selected working devices. Click End Test.

    Navigate around the Zoom Meeting to learn more about the various tools available to participants.

 Have Questions? Contact the SPC Technical Support Center at onlinehelp@spcollege.edu or call 727-341-HELP (727-341-4357) (Mon.- Sun. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Eastern). Chat: Live Chat with Support

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