Prohibited Passwords Prohibited Passwords

Prohibited Passwords



Weak passwords are prone to being hacked and lead to potential cyber-attacks. The College has implemented a password protection product that uses a banned password list to help prevent weak passwords.

Banned passwords are passwords that have been found to be weak or easily guessable and have been restricted from being used by the account holder. Banned passwords include some of the most commonly used passwords, phrases, words, and patterns. Specific words related to the College and the Tampa Bay area have also been banned. 


When you attempt to change your password to something that includes a word that is banned, one of the following error messages may be displayed: 


“Unfortunately, your password contains a word, phrase, or pattern that makes your password easily guessable. Please try again with a different word.” 


“We’ve seen that password too many times before. Choose something harder to guess.” 


“Choose a password that’s harder for people to guess.” 


*The College will not see the password you attempted to set and at no time has access to a readable format of what your current password is. 


Have Questions? Contact the SPC Technical Support Center at or call 727-341-HELP (727-341-4357) (Mon.- Sun. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Eastern). Chat: Live Chat with Support

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