Search a Discussion Topic and Replies Search a Discussion Topic and Replies

Search a Discussion Topic and Replies

In some cases, you might want to search a discussion topic in MyCourses to find a specific thread or reply made by either you or one of your classmates.  For example, this feature can double-check that you have posted the required number of threads and replies to a particular topic for the week.


  1. Click on Submission Review

  2. Click on Discussions. You will be taken to a list of the discussions within your course.

  3. Click on the title of the topic you would like to search
    introduction highlighted_image.png

  4. Enter a keyword into the search field
    Submission Review_Search highlighted_image.png

  5. Click the magnifying glass to complete the search

 Have Questions? Contact the SPC Technical Support Center at or call 727-341-HELP (727-341-4357) (Mon.- Sun. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Eastern). Chat: Live Chat with Support

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