Connect Your SPC Email in Titan Hub Connect Your SPC Email in Titan Hub

Connect Your SPC Email in Titan Hub

When new students join SPC, one of their beginning tasks is to sign into their Titan Hub account. Titan Hub is the student portal where you can jump to MyCourses, SPC (Outlook) Email, Your Student Account (MySPC), and other internal platforms and sites. 


When you first access your Titan Hub account, you will need to connect your SPC email account in the Outlook widget. 


1. To access Titan Hub, sign in through the Titans Login button on the SPC Website


2. If you don't land on the homepage, click the Titan Hub Logo in the top left corner of the page to see your Titan Hub dashboard

3. Locate the Outlook email widget on your dashboard and click Connect Account. 

4. After connecting, you will see a preview of your emails, and be able to visit your email account, as well as your One Drive:

5. Click See all emails to open your SPC email in a new browser tab. 


Note: This is the web-based version of Outlook. To download the Microsoft 365 suite, follow these instructions. SPC students are given a Microsoft account for the duration of their time at SPC. 

 Have Questions? Contact the SPC Technical Support Center at or call 727-341-HELP (727-341-4357) (Mon.- Sun. 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Eastern). Chat: Live Chat with Support

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