New and Dual Enrollment Students First Time Account Access New and Dual Enrollment Students First Time Account Access

New and Dual Enrollment Students First Time Account Access

  • If you’re logging into your student account for the first time, you will need to (1) create your password first and (2) register your account into Microsoft’s Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).


Here’s how to do this successfully.


1. Visit the ‘Create Password’ support page here or here.

    • You’ll need your Student ID#, last 4 digits of social security number, and Date of Birth
    • Create your password following the password requirements
    • After you’ve created your password, please allow up-to 30 minutes before trying to log in with this password. Our system will need to update your account on all servers. If logging in after 30 minutes is unsuccessful, give it a little more time – our system will catch up!


2. To log into your account with the password you’ve created, visit and click on ‘Titan Login’.


3. Click on ‘Use Another Account’ when you are prompted to pick an account.



4. Enter student @LIVE email address in the ‘Email, Phone, Skype’ field. Your SPC Student account is considered a “Microsoft account”.



5. Once you’ve successfully logged into Titan Hub and you’re in your Dashboard, IMMEDIATELY visit ‘Office365’

    • In the blue left-hand navigation pane, scroll down to Tools and under Resources, you’ll find the ‘Office365’ link. (you may need to select ‘See More’ to expand the list)


6. As soon as you reach the Office365 page, you will be asked to provide more information to register your account for Multi-Factor Authentication.

(you must complete registration before you can access any of your MySPC resources.)

Click NEXT


7. You'll be taken to a prompt to setup Microsoft Authenticator app. DO NOT click Next.

Instead, Click 'I want to set up a different method'.


8. Choose ‘Phone’ as the method.


9. Enter Cell Phone Number to receive your security codes via text and Click Next.


10. Enter the code you received to complete verification. Click Next.


11. Once verified, you will receive a ‘Verification Complete’ message. Your account has now been registered for Multi-Factor Authentication.


Things to remember:


  • Keep your cell phone close each time you log into your student account
  • To reset password, please visit the ‘Trouble Signing In?’ support page and select ‘Reset Password’ button
  • Passwords can only be changed once every 8 Days. To change your password again within 8 days of resetting, please contact the Technical Support Center for assistance.


You are now able to access SPC systems, such as MySPC

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