Accessible: Five Proven Study Strategies Accessible: Five Proven Study Strategies

Accessible: Five Proven Study Strategies

5 Study Strategies

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Mnemonic Device

A mnemonic device is a great way to remember new concepts. They can be songs, rhymes, acronyms (using the first letter of each word to create a new word) or acrostics (using the first letter of each word to create a phrase). Here are a couple examples of common mnemonic devices: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue” or FANBOYS to help you remember the 7 coordinating conjunctions in English (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). 


Quizzing yourself often on material that you need to learn can strengthen your memory. You can quiz yourself by making flash cards, creating a quiz for yourself on paper, or using a quiz app on your phone.  


Reciting means looking up from the text or notes you are reading or studying and saying out loud (or silently to yourself) everything you have learned. Reciting the information will help you to solidify the information in your mind. 


Ever hear the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words?” Images can cue our memory, so visualizing something or drawing a picture of it can be a great memory tool.


Elaborating means connecting new information to what you already know and/or to a real-life situation so that it’s not arbitrary; this new information then becomes more meaningful and, therefore, more understandable.  


In each of the videos below, you are asked to view the video and decide which strategy each scenario represents.


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