The goal of the Introduction to MyCourses is to provide you with an overview of the MyCourses environment as well as a chance to interact with some of its most commonly used tools.
The MyCourses Introduction Course consists of eleven modules in addition to a welcome area. Each module covers a specific topic related to student success and using online learning tools. In each module, you'll also find additional resources related to the module in the optional resources folder.
- Go to
- Click on Titans Login in the top right corner
- Enter your username (SPC email address) and password
- You will be taken to the Titan Hub. On the left-side menu, under tools, click Resources and then MyCourses
- Click the waffle menu Icon to see a list of courses in your account
- Click on Introduction to MyCourses from the list of courses, this will take you into the course
- Click on Course Content to learn more about getting started with the course
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